Mato Mrkalj
Managing director RDP Hub Ltd. Croatia
Mato has more than 10 years working experience in rural development and related industries. He is continuously upgrading his business development skills and investing in knowledge of the business of the future. After graduating at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb (master’s degree in finance and business organization), he gained firsthand experience in Žito, one of the biggest Croatian food and agriculture company. During his career he founded and co-founded several companies related to food and agriculture management and worked as an expert for several international consulting companies in the field of rural development. His areas of expertise include Business development, Project management, Financial analysis, Startup development and Rural development.

He loves business challenges and enjoys new markets opening, has an affinity to sales and a profound understanding of the food and agriculture industry in the Western Balkans area. His personal interests are focused on introducing the digital age into the agriculture sector and developing the agtech and agri-food startup scene in the region.
Mato Mrkalj
Managing director RDP Hub Ltd. Croatia
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