Agronomic analysis of cropping strategies

Moritz Reckling, Robin Walker, Kairsty Topp, Fred Stoddard, Jens-Martin Hecker, Nicole Schläfke, Johann Bachinger, Peter Zander, Göran Bergkvist, Juliette Maire, Vera Eory, Bob Rees, Ion Toncea, Aurelio Pristeri
Posted: 21.06.2021
Legume crops have a number of environmental effects in rotation, but farmers and agronomists need assistance with understanding the possibilities for incorporating them into arable and forage rotations and assessing the financial risks and benefits of doing so. This report focuses on the evaluation of the agronomy of legume-based crop rotations and the feasibility of their application, as assessed by one of the senior agronomists at each of the five relevant partner institutions. Crop rotations in general and those including legumes are rarely found in European farming practice. In order to explore legume cropping systems in different test cases beyond the current farming practice, crop rotations needed to be derived from other sources. The approach described here is a rule-based crop rotation generator that is able to produce a large set of agronomic suitable rotations for single regions and sites across Europe.
  • Jens-Martin Hecker, Nicole Schläfke, Johann Bachinger, Peter Zander, Göran Bergkvist, Juliette Maire, Vera Eory, Bob Rees, Ion Toncea, Aurelio Pristeri
  • 2014
  • Legume crops have a number of environmental effects in rotation, but farmers and agronomists need assistance with understanding the possibilities for incorporating them into arable and forage rotations and assessing the financial risks and benefits of doing so. This report focuses on the evaluation of the agronomy of legume-based crop rotations and the feasibility of their application, as assessed by one of the senior agronomists at each of the five relevant partner institutions. Crop rotations in general and those including legumes are rarely found in European farming practice. In order to explore legume cropping systems in different test cases beyond the current farming practice, crop rotations needed to be derived from other sources. The approach described here is a rule-based crop rotation generator that is able to produce a large set of agronomic suitable rotations for single regions and sites across Europe.

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    Moritz Reckling et al.
    Agronomic analysis of cropping strategies
  • 2014. Agronomic analysis of cropping strategies. Legume Hub.



About this article

Authors: Moritz Reckling, Robin Walker, Kairsty Topp, Fred Stoddard, Jens-Martin Hecker, Nicole Schläfke, Johann Bachinger, Peter Zander, Göran Bergkvist, Juliette Maire, Vera Eory, Bob Rees, Ion Toncea, Aurelio Pristeri
Acknowledgement: Legume Futures has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant No. 245216.

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