- Wolfgang Strauss and Ina Stute
- 2019
The prices of the three groups of variables studied can be used as indicators in the pricing of legumes. It should be noted that the prices of animal feed and meat are better suited to this than the prices of mineral fertilisers. Since the correlation analysis does not allow a statement on causality, open questions remain for an in-depth time series analysis: How strongly the three product groups examined are actually influenced by legume prices? And which product groups in turn influence the price of legumes?
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The prices of the three groups of variables studied can be used as indicators in the pricing of legumes. It should be noted that the prices of animal feed and meat are better suited to this than the prices of mineral fertilisers. Since the correlation analysis does not allow a statement on causality, open questions remain for an in-depth time series analysis: How strongly the three product groups examined are actually influenced by legume prices? And which product groups in turn influence the price of legumes?
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Correlation between prices of grain legumes and prices of feed, fertilisers and meat -
2019. Correlation between prices of grain legumes and prices of feed, fertilisers and meat. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu
Correlation between prices of grain legumes and prices of feed, fertilisers and meat
Posted: 14.06.2021
The prices of the three groups of variables studied can be used as indicators in the pricing of legumes. It should be noted that the prices of animal feed and meat are better suited to this than the prices of mineral fertilisers. Since the correlation analysis does not allow a statement on causality, open questions remain for an in-depth time series analysis: How strongly the three product groups examined are actually influenced by legume prices? And which product groups in turn influence the price of legumes?
- Correlation between prices of grain legumes and prices of feed, fertilisers and meat
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Acknowledgement: LEGVALUE has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 727672.
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