- Andrea Bues, Sara Preissel, Peter Zander, Tom Kuhlman, Kristina Lindström
- The European Parliament
- 2013
This study provides an overview of the development and environmental effects of protein crop production in Europe. Nine policy options for supporting protein crops are presented: six inside the CAP, and three outside. We recommend an integrated policy approach combining the inclusion of protein crops into greening measures, investment in research and constraints on the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. We conclude that increasing the production of protein crops would be an important
contribution to the sustainable development of European agricultural and food systems. -
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Andrea Bues et al. -
2013. The environmental role of protein crops in the new common agricultural policy. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu
The environmental role of protein crops in the new common agricultural policy
Posted: 12.10.2021
This study provides an overview of the development and environmental effects of protein crop production in Europe. Nine policy options for supporting protein crops are presented: six inside the CAP, and three outside. We recommend an integrated policy approach combining the inclusion of protein crops into greening measures, investment in research and constraints on the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser. We conclude that increasing the production of protein crops would be an important
contribution to the sustainable development of European agricultural and food systems.
- Andrea Bues et al.
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