- First results of the EU-project LegValue
- Roger Vickers, Frédéric Muel, Tiana Smadja
- 2019
Legumes play an important role in animal and human nutrition. Depending on the crops, some of them are mainly used for feed or food. In addition, their cultivation has many benefits in crop rotation and preserves biodiversity. However, they remain as niche in comparison to cereals. In the UK some specific aspects about legume production and marketing have to be considered. Faba bean is the most produced grain legume in the UK. Their production could reach morethan 700,000 t in some years. Hereby, the UK is the first producer of faba beans in Europe. While the main use of faba beans in the UK is for feed, their exportations are principally dedicated for the human consumption. The second important grain legume in the UK is field peas, with the main use for food.
This report is part of the transdisciplinary EU research project "LegValue". Work package 3, which deals with the market and economics of legumes, has as an important objective to increase the market transparency of legumes. The present study describes the markets of the main growth legumes and shows price information systems for grain legumes in the UK. A mixed-method approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyses was used in this study. The parameters that were used for the
quantitative analyses are production, domestic consumption, imports, exports and wholesale prices. -
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Market of grain legumes in the UK -
2019. The market of grain legumes in UK – First results of the EU-project LegValue. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu
The market of grain legumes in the UK
First results of the EU-project LegValue
Posted: 15.06.2021
Legumes play an important role in animal and human nutrition. Depending on the crops, some of them are mainly used for feed or food. In addition, their cultivation has many benefits in crop rotation and preserves biodiversity. However, they remain as niche in comparison to cereals. In the UK some specific aspects about legume production and marketing have to be considered. Faba bean is the most produced grain legume in the UK. Their production could reach morethan 700,000 t in some years. Hereby, the UK is the first producer of faba beans in Europe. While the main use of faba beans in the UK is for feed, their exportations are principally dedicated for the human consumption. The second important grain legume in the UK is field peas, with the main use for food.
This report is part of the transdisciplinary EU research project "LegValue". Work package 3, which deals with the market and economics of legumes, has as an important objective to increase the market transparency of legumes. The present study describes the markets of the main growth legumes and shows price information systems for grain legumes in the UK. A mixed-method approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyses was used in this study. The parameters that were used for the quantitative analyses are production, domestic consumption, imports, exports and wholesale prices.
This report is part of the transdisciplinary EU research project "LegValue". Work package 3, which deals with the market and economics of legumes, has as an important objective to increase the market transparency of legumes. The present study describes the markets of the main growth legumes and shows price information systems for grain legumes in the UK. A mixed-method approach based on quantitative and qualitative analyses was used in this study. The parameters that were used for the quantitative analyses are production, domestic consumption, imports, exports and wholesale prices.
- Market of grain legumes in the UK
About this article
Acknowledgement: LEGVALUE has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 727672.
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