- Bocar Samba Ba and Tiana Smadja
- 2021
Unit values might become an interesting price indicator to better valorise EU produced legumes. To ensure a sustainable use of unit values as price indicators, the choice of the indicator (EUV or IUV) is decisive. The higher the transaction volume in a specific period, the more stable are the corresponding unit values over longer time periods. Therefore, the EUV for pea in France and the UK are more sustainable than the EUV of pea in Germany. On the other hand, the IUV of pea in Germany is the most stable and constitutes a more appropriate price indicator for high quality pea in Germany. In case of faba bean, the EUV (mainly driven by the Egyptian market) show similar trends in the three analysed countries. The IUV of faba bean in the UK is not a reliable price indicator for standard faba bean but indicates the existence of specific lucrative niche markets.
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Unit values in international trade as price indicators of legumes in the EU -
2021. Unit Values in international trade as price indicators of legumes in the EU. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu
Unit values in international trade as price indicators of legumes in the EU
Posted: 14.06.2021
Unit values might become an interesting price indicator to better valorise EU produced legumes. To ensure a sustainable use of unit values as price indicators, the choice of the indicator (EUV or IUV) is decisive. The higher the transaction volume in a specific period, the more stable are the corresponding unit values over longer time periods. Therefore, the EUV for pea in France and the UK are more sustainable than the EUV of pea in Germany. On the other hand, the IUV of pea in Germany is the most stable and constitutes a more appropriate price indicator for high quality pea in Germany. In case of faba bean, the EUV (mainly driven by the Egyptian market) show similar trends in the three analysed countries. The IUV of faba bean in the UK is not a reliable price indicator for standard faba bean but indicates the existence of specific lucrative niche markets.
- Unit values in international trade as price indicators of legumes in the EU
About this article
Acknowledgement: LEGVALUE has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 727672.
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