Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine‐grained legumes
Posted: 29.04.2022
The combustion of biogas to generate electricity generates a lot of waste heat, which is often not sufficiently used. Fine‐grained legumes, such as lucerne or clover, are important in the crop rotation on organic farms. At the same time, they are a good source of proteins, amino acids and roughage in feed. The approach here is to use the waste heat from biogas combustion for the drying of fine‐grained legumes. There are different methods for drying the crop. They all use the warm exhaust air, which is sucked in by a fan and fed to the various processes via air ducts.
- Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine‐grained legumes
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Acknowledgement: OK-Net Ecofeed has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 773911.
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