Effects of legume crops on biodiversity
Posted: 01.06.2022
The expansion of the arable land area has displaced natural habitats and reduced the diversity of entire landscapes. Policymakers, scientists and land managers are developing strategies to mitigate the effects on biodiversity. Increasing the diversity of crop cover by introducing legumes into otherwise cereal dominated cropping systems is one option. This literature review's main results are summarised as follows: The non-crop vegetation (‘weed’) biomass was higher in maize, sorghum, sunflower, and wheat compared to soybean. Soy had a higher non-crop vegetation plant density than maize, and wheat had a higher density than soy. Soybean showed higher Shannon diversity and species richness compared to maize. This Legumes Translated Report 2 studies the effect of soybean, as the most studied grain legume crop, on biodiversity.
- Effects of legume crops on biodiversity
About this article
Acknowledgement: Legumes Translated has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 817634.
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