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Legume Generation 2nd webinar: Practical and technical details of using Easy-SMTA
LegumeGeneration has held its 2nd internal webinar dedicated to the practical and technical details of using Easy-SMTA and assigning DOIs through GLIS. The invited FAO expert Marco Marsella has provided an overview of options available for SMTA generation and...
3rd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference
The 3rd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference will be held at Omnisport Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands from 22-25 October 2024. With the environmental targets set for the coming years and with the increasing world population, we must evolve the way we...
International Lathyrus Day
The Fernand Lambein Fund is delighted to announce the first International Lathyrus Day, scheduled for June 3, 2024, in the lively city of Ghent, Belgium. Honoring the legacy of Fernand Lambein, a distinguished researcher in the field of Lathyrus sativus, this event...