Development of Rural Areas in the Republic of Moldova (DevRAM) is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in partnership with Pro Didactica and Donau Soja. This project aims to improve existing quality standards and to strengthen capacities in vocational education and training in agriculture.
Project duration: April 2019 to August 2021

Articles and videos on the Hub
- Enhancing capacities for innovation and education in agriculture in Moldova
- Increasing access to market and advancing the demand for certified and organic agri-food products on national and foreign markets
- Increasing the use of standards and certifications to raise the performance of value chains
- Promoting an enabling environment for ensuring quality standards in the agri-food sector (including organic agriculture and products) and alignment of Moldova’s legal framework and policy documents to EU quality standards
DevRAM has received funding from the European Union as well as from the Austrian Development Agency in partnership with Pro Didactica and Donau Soja. Project Grant Number 6541-01/2017.