World Soybean Research Conference, 18-23 June 2023
The World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC11) will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 18 – 23 June 2023.
The program is constantly evolving. You can find the most updated version here: Program | Vienna 2023 (
Get involved
Present your work and submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation:
Guidelines for abstract submission
Abstracts must be submitted in English. The text body should be one single paragraph with maximum 300 words.
The abstract should contain the following information:
- Background-hypothesis-methodology-results-conclusions
- Keywords: up to five keywords may be added as an extra line.
- Acknowledgements: may be included as a last/extra paragraph.
A maximum of 2 abstracts can be submitted by one author and can only include a maximum of 9 co-authors.
Abstracts will be reviewed, and authors will be informed of acceptance or rejection of the contribution by 21 March, 2023. Final acceptance is conditional upon registration and payment of a registration fee by the presenting author.
Abstract submission end: 28 February 2023
Don’t miss the conference and register now.
Discover the attractive packages to showcase your company and become a sponsor
Registration Start: 10 October 2022
Early Bird Deadline: 31 March 2023
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Start: 1 September 2022
Abstract Submission End: 10 January 2023
Author Notification: 15 February 2023