“One Century of ISTA – A Milestone for Seed Technology and Research” - this is the topic of this year's Seed Symposium organised by GPZ (Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung), GPW (Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften) and VDLUFA (Verband Deutscher...
Legume Generation webinar: Mastering plant variety rights, essential knowledge for breeders and researchers
This third Legume Generation webinar is designed for breeders and researchers seeking a comprehensive understanding of plant variety rights. The basics of UPOV and CPVO, key legislative frameworks and the concept of breeding rights will be discussed. In addition,...
BELIS Webinar Series “BELIS Network, Legume Breeding for Agroecological Transition in Europe”
The European project BELIS - Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability - is hosting its first webinar on Thursday, 23 January 2025 from 10-11.30 CET. The webinar will address key challenges related to legume breeding in Europe, drawing on the scientific...
Course on soybean production and processing
A part-time certified course has been developed by Sonia-ProQ and its project partners for soybean processors, teachers in agricultural schools, consultants and interested farmers. Consisting of seven blocks, mixed online and in presence, this course will give you...
Legume Generation project overview
The goal of the Legume Generation project is to boost the breeding of the major food and feed legume crops in Europe to support the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies by making legume crops more competitive on European farms and in value chains. This will...
Introduction to Microbiomes4Soy
What is Microbiomes4Soy? Why is it important? Who is involved? Microbiomes4Soy is a European funded project that aims to develop microbiome-based knowledge and awareness in order to establish sustainable food systems. Exploring plant microbiomes to develop...
Second National Legumes Congress in Leipzig
In the congress, legumes, such as beans, peas, lupins and clover were discussed. How can research gaps of cultivated legumes such as beans, peas, lupins and clover be closed? How can necessary measures for implementation in practice be tested? These and other...
Legume Generation: Soybean Innovation Community meeting in Austria
On 23-24 September, the Soybean Innovation Community (IC) gathered at BOKU University in Tulln, Austria to reflect on the progress and challenges of the project Legume Generation during the first year of soybean field trials. The Soybean Innovation Community is...
Legume Generation 2nd webinar: Practical and technical details of using Easy-SMTA
LegumeGeneration has held its 2nd internal webinar dedicated to the practical and technical details of using Easy-SMTA and assigning DOIs through GLIS. The invited FAO expert Marco Marsella has provided an overview of options available for SMTA generation and...
3rd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference
The 3rd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference will be held at Omnisport Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands from 22-25 October 2024. With the environmental targets set for the coming years and with the increasing world population, we must evolve the way we...
International Lathyrus Day
The Fernand Lambein Fund is delighted to announce the first International Lathyrus Day, scheduled for June 3, 2024, in the lively city of Ghent, Belgium. Honoring the legacy of Fernand Lambein, a distinguished researcher in the field of Lathyrus sativus, this event...
Legume Generation webinar: Introduction to the Multilateral System, EASY-SMTA and GLIS/DOI
The Legume Generation Innovation Communities are supported through the organisation of different training sessions and are invited to the first Legume Generation webinar, which will deal with practicalities of seed exchange in regard to legal aspects of the...
Donau Soja webinar: Soybean markets, trends and forecast in Europe 2024
Sustainable soya from Ukraine is a regional need for the EU Vienna. Soya grown in Europe becomes more and more important for Europe’s sustainable protein supply. The newest forecast of Donau Soja predicts an extension of soya cultivation in Europe to up to 5.7...
UN World Pulses Day – 10 February 2024
To mark the United Nations’ World Pulses Day on 10 February, Donau Soja is reminding of the importance of these protein crops for ensuring food security for the European population, improving soils and stopping the deforestation of valuable ecosystems. In 2024, the...
Legume Generation: Plant breeders and researchers collaborate for the next generation of legumes to reduce the protein gap in Europe
We need better legume crops to help farmers meet Europe’s demand for plant protein and support a protein transition. Understanding this, fifty scientists and plant breeders participated recently in a meeting held at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop...
The fermentation of pulses around the world
10 Oct 2023, 17:00 - 18:30 online event Fermentation is one of the oldest and most straightforward methods of food preparation. Enzymes produced by microorganisms like bacteria, yeasts, and mold, have long by used by humans to produce food that is both...
Legume Hub SWISS: All about protein crops on the Swiss knowledge platform
Legumes are valuable sources of protein for humans and animals. But there is still much to learn about the cultivation and processing of legumes. That is why the Legume Hub SWISS - tailor-made for Switzerland - provides information for all those working with...
World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC11)
REVIEW AND IMPRESSIONS World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC11) 18 - 23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria The World Soybean Research Conference took place under the motto 'soybean research for sustainable development' from 18 - 23 June 2023 - for the first time in...
XVI. International Lupin Conference
„Breeding, Cultivation and Use of Lupins for a Sustainable Agriculture – Recent Developments" 19.-23. June 2023 in Rostock, Germany The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) and the Julius Kühn Institute - Federal Research Centre for...
Fourth International Legume Society Conference
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDING SOON Fourth International Legume Society Conference (ILS4) 19 - 22 September, Granada, Spain Dear colleagues and friends, It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Granada (Spain), to the 4th International Legume Society...
Global Bean Seed Festival 2023
Global Bean Seed Festival 2023 Celebrate pulses and participate to an international seed exchange! 22 April 2023, 13:00 - 14:30 UNITED FOR BEANS DIVERSITY! This year, we make our Global Bean seed festival very special: On 22nd April, various Global...
World Soybean Research Conference 18 – 23 June 2023
PROGRAM UPDATE and EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ENDING SOON World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC11) 18 - 23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria The updated program for the World Soybean Research Conference is now available. View the sessions and experts chairing...
Global Bean March meeting
Growing exotic legume species Discover how to grow unknown legume species 16 March 2023, 17:00 - 18:30 CET The Fabaceae family is immense. Beans have been one of the most widely used crops for millennia, and have been used in the human diet as a...
World Soybean Research Conference, 18-23 June 2023
The World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC11) will take place in Vienna, Austria, on 18 - 23 June 2023. The program is constantly evolving. You can find the most updated version here: Program | Vienna 2023 (wsrc11vienna.com) Get involved Present your work...