Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR

Posted: 02.05.2022
Detecting heat damages in processed soya beans, requires a testing of trypsin-inhibitor activity (TIA) or protein solubility (PDI). Measuring these parameters has been costly and time-consuming. Recently, near-infrared technology (NIR) has been advanced to measure in a fast, simple and reliable procedure essential feed parameters such as amino acid composition, as well as TIA or PDI. This video provides a brief introduction to this topic and shows results from applying NIR in a soya bean processing study with over 30 farms or enterprises from Europe. The tool is not specific for organic farming but is certainly relevant.


About this video

Publisher: Donau Soja, Ok-Net EcoFeed
Producer: Donau Soja

Copyright: © All rights reserved. Reproduction and dissemination for non-commercial purposes are authorised provided the source is fully acknowledged.

Acknowledgement: This video provides a brief introduction to this topic and shows results from applying NIR in a soya bean processing study with over 30 farms or enterprises from Europe. This study was organised by Donau Soja, a non-profit organisation based in Vienna, Austria. The organisation aims to develop a sustainable and protein supply in Europe. The study was implemented in framework of the OK-Net Ecofeed Project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773911.
Citation: Rittler, Leopold. 2021. Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with near-infrared. Legume Hub.

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