Continental and global effects
Posted: 01.06.2022
The overall goal of Legumes Translated is to support the diversification of European cropping systems through linking research- and practice-based knowledge relevant to the production and use of legumes. The diversification of European cropping to grow more grain legumes raises the question of what are the wider global environmental and economic effects. The purpose of the work reported here is to consider the potential large scale effects of changing European cropping systems. Environmental effects at the continental and global level need to be considered alongside effects at the national and local level. The scope and resourcing of the Legumes Translated does not enable a deep investigation into the effects of changes in cropping systems on global markets and land use. It was decided to focus on existing production and trade data to examine the effects of different scenarios, with some support from information gathered from actor groups in the project and from the literature.
- Continental and global effects
About this article
Acknowledgement: Legumes Translated has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innnovation programme under grant agreement No. 817634.
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