Legume Science and Practice 2 conference report

Posted: 12.10.2021
This is the conference report of the second Legumes conference organised by the AAB ‘Cropping And The Environment (CATE)’ specialist group. Delegates from a broad spectrum of disciplines were brought together to explore the role of legumes in sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on ecosystem service. Legumes have the potential to play a substantial role in sustainable agriculture, as a resource for pollinators and birds, in intercropping regimes, providing break crops in rotations, enhancing soil nitrogen levels, accessing soil phosphorous and promoting soil biodiversity. The overall GHG emissions associated with legume foods are low whilst products are highly nutritious and many raw legumes products can be readily stored for long periods without spoilage. As such their role in sustainable food production and security is growing.
  • Association of applied biologists (ABB)
  • 2021
  • This is the conference report of the second Legumes conference organised by the AAB ‘Cropping And The Environment (CATE)’ specialist group. Delegates from a broad spectrum of disciplines were brought together to explore the role of legumes in sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on ecosystem service.
    Legumes have the potential to play a substantial role in sustainable agriculture, as a resource for pollinators and birds, in intercropping regimes, providing break crops in rotations, enhancing soil nitrogen levels, accessing soil phosphorous and promoting soil biodiversity. The overall GHG emissions associated with legume foods are low whilst products are highly nutritious and many raw legumes products can be readily stored for long periods without spoilage. As such their role in sustainable food production and security is growing.

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    Christine Watson et al.
    Legume science and practice 2 conference report
  • Watson Christine, Notz Inka, Reckling Moritz, Walker Robin, Topp Kairsty, Murphy-Bokern Donal, 2021. Legume Science and Practice 2 conference report. Legume Hub. https://www.legumehub.eu



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